About Us

Hello my wonderful henna peep!

My name is Lisa. I've been a ICNHA certified natural henna since 2007.
I started educating about henna right from the start, with an emphasis on teaching about the dangers of the illegal PPD "black henna" and the difference between pure, quality henna vs. the stuff sold in stores. Unfortunately, the reality is that "henna" is not a protected title or term by Health Canada nor the FDA. Anyone can falsely call something 'henna.' Perfect example - "henna eyebrow tinting" at the salon or spa - there's no henna in that!

So here I am to provide pure, real henna & associated powders for body art & hair colour. I only sell body art quality henna - even for the hair. That means i sell the freshest crops that have been triple sifted, vacuum sealed then wrapped in foil to keep out both air & light. The henna is properly stored in the freezer until i ship your order to maintain the lawsone dye content. All other powders are stored in a cool, dark place.

I'm OLD SCHOOL - please note:
This is going to blow some millennial minds, but I actually still work from a desktop computer & landline phone. Which means that as a self employed, one woman show, I cannot provide 24/7 customer service. Please call or email & i will get back to you as soon as possible - if you try to contact me through social media, i won't know.... HAHAHA

For the love of all that is common sense, if in the extremely rare circumstance you are experiencing an allergic reaction, wash off the product right away. Then contact me & we'll try to figure out if it's a true allergy or an interaction with another product or medication. My powders are pure & should never burn, itch or irritate.

Art: Selling henna supplies being a side gig, my main business has always been providing henna body art services - especially at summer festivals & art shows. But winter is a little slow in the henna body art department, so to appease my creative brain, i botanically hand dye / henna silk, paint stones, ornaments & other objects in henna style.  This functional art is a big hit for gifts!

Skin Care: back when i started henna body art in 2007, i also started making natural skin care products. I have super dry, sensitive skin, so it just made sense to create my own.  Being so busy with henna body art, i eventually sold my recipes to a nurse who wanted to get into the game. Now that I've retired from doing festivals & art shows for a living, i've created new skin care recipes, this time focusing on keeping the ingredients parrot safe.

What about the jewelry
, you ask?
Customers who call can hear my parrots in the background. My first passion in life has always been parrots! Being entrenched in the bird community, i have noticed a need go unfulfilled: parrot safe jewelry. See, parrots are super sensitive creatures that are easily killed by metals & chemicals. Specifically the heavy metals in most commercial jewelry: zinc, copper, tin, cadmium & lead; then there are the chemicals used to treat jewelry stones & beads. Many people loosing their cherished pets from letting their bird play with a dangle earring or their chain, thinking it was cute & fun to feel... not realizing that over time their beloved pet was being poisoned.  
So i spent a full year sourcing out food grade stainless steel & food grade aluminum made in Canada that came with the chemical analysis to make heavy metal free & hypoallergenic jewelry.
Not just for parrot owners & those with metal sensitivities, my jewelry is for all to collect & enjoy! 


Thank you & happy henna'ing!