Tea Tree essential oil for henna paste

Tea Tree Essential Oil

  • $5.00
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Botanical Name: Melaleuca alternifolia - Australian
Steam distilled leaves

Terpinen-4-ol: 41.8%
γ-Terpinene: 20.4%

Properties: immune stimulant, anti-infectant

Scent: strong medicianl scent
Blends well with cinnamon bark, clary sage, clove bud, geranium, lavender, myrrh, nutmeg, rosewood, rosemary and thyme.

Use: Added to henna paste to break down the henna plant cellulose, which gives you a better lawsone dye release. Please don't add more than 15ml essential oil per 100g of henna powder. Without a proper carrier oil, essential oils should be limited.
Can also be used for aromatherapy. 
Do *NOT* diffuse essential oils if you own a bird! The molecules are too small & can coat the alveoli of the lungs, causing pneumonia.

**Tee Tree has been listed as dangerous to diffuse with all pets.